30 Nov, 23

69th Annual Mine Safety and Environment Conference (ANMSEC)

Cognizant to the celebration of 69th Annual Mine Safety and Environment Conference (ANMSEC) held at Baguio City on November 14-17, SBT Mining Inc. (SBTMI) joined the activities facilitated by the Philippine Mine Safety and Environment (PMSEA) and DENR-Mines Geosciencea Bureau (MGB). 

For this year’s celebration theme, MINING 4.0: Safer,  Smarter and Sustainable, which encourage all mining companies and stakeholders to strengthen environmental protection and stewardship, advance mining operation and emphasizing the importance of community in the project development. 

SBT Mining Inc. (SBTMI) supports the PMSEA and DENR-MGB’s endeavor of environmental stewardship, strengthening community relations, and information dessimenation on the importance of mining. 

23 Jan, 23

Plant a Tree

Minimizing erosion and to reduce the likelihood of landslide. A total of 300 seedlings (Agoho Tree) were being planted at the various area outside Mining MPSA area of Barangay Boa, Cagdianao Dinagat Islands.